Domaine de l'Amauve


The vintages. .

Vintage 2014
The 2013-2014 winter was mild and very humid. It was impossible to work the soil due to rain. Winter work was hampered by the weather. 
The 2014 spring has been mild. Vegetation began to grow early. The rains were weak in April and May. It rains again in June. The repeated rains during the growth of the vine forced us to have a good protection against diseases. Fortunately, the Mistral (north wind cold and dry) was blowing strongly between the rains and was keeping the temperature low enough to avoid the development of the deseases. Often rain and Mistral combined to prevent vine treatments. Protection of the vineyard has been difficult in 2014 for a vineyard led in organic farming. However, experience and perseverance have helped to maintain a healthy vineyard. 
The summer was punctuated by many rains followed by a strong Mistral. The treatments to protect the vineyard have continued very late in 2014. 
If the spring, with its warm climate, allowed an early start in vegetation, the fresh and even cold weather we had during the summer slowed down the vegetation and delayed the harvest. 
Because of the fruit set in 2013 on our main grape variety, the Grenache (black or white), this grape variety has generated a large harvest in 2014.
For having a nice crop, with low yeald and nice quality grapes, we did a lot of green harvests when that was necessary.
The harvest began on September 5 and ended on September 19 at Domaine de l'Amauve. 
Grapes, previously selected in June and July, were of very high quality. 

The harvester's team was :
Monique, Mohamed, Martine, Claudine, Laurence, Guy, Geneviève, Michel, Lola, Nicolas, Patrick.


The harvester's team in  2014.
Louis, Mohamed, Christian. Discussion.

The transfert of the grapes to the carrying ben.


Monique, Mohamed, during the harvests.

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